Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How To "Truly" Worship God

It was a productive night with some of our youth group's college girls.
Nica and I were in charge of presenting Gencon's history for our 10th anniversary on Sunday.
We aren't the most creative, so we knew we needed help.
Good thing these princess-warriors of God made themselves available!

Our own version of a monopod selfie =))

It was a great night with them. We also had a short (?) devotion together on the Romans 12:1. We all wanted to truly and properly worship God. And God sought our hearts and rebuked us as we realize that we were not really worshipping God if we stubbornly remain in our comfort zones. We cannot really say that we were offering our bodies as living sacrifice, if we do not experience the pain and the joy that comes from sacrificing. Indeed, it was time for all of us to stand and to do things that are hard and difficult, all for the glory of God!
We offer this one to God.

Whew! Long day tomorrow!

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