Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Clothed in Christ

"Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh."
Romans 13:14

This verse interests me a lot because it is in the heart of my pursuit of modesty.
It is fascinating enough that the writer used the word "clothe", but the message of this verse makes it all the more beautiful!
Our clothing is what other people see on the outside, and this verse suggests that we should be seen by the people around us following the example of Jesus Christ. It conveys the importance of following Jesus every minute, no matter what we do, no matter the situation, no matter how hard it is. Ever heard of the phrase, "huhubarin ang pagiging Kristyano"? It's like putting aside your values and beliefs to do something you know you shouldn't do. It's like showing people a different version of you, one who breaks rules, in order to get what you want. In other words? .. in order to "gratify the desires of the flesh"
Whether it's revenge, defense, or simply doing what you please.
I'm quite sure it wouldn't be worth taking off you Christianity for!

I can relate this so much to modesty, 'cause my clothes become a unique reminder of this verse for me.
Everyday, whenever I choose which clothes I will wear, I do it with a mind fixed on what would please God, and not on just what I think would make me look good. During the time I choose my clothes, I learn to beat myself, to fight the selfish desire of wearing the trendy immodest pieces.
The result?
All day, I wear an ensemble that reminds me to fight against my selfish desires,
to have that kingdom mentality,
to do everything in line with my choice to follow Christ.

Being clothed in Christ is
being clothed in power.


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